Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study
Are you ready to dive a little deeper? Bible study meets Tuesdays at 6:00 PM. We will take this time to read through and reflect on the readings for the coming Sunday, as well as pray and encourage each other. Come ready to read, discuss, and learn. Bring a Bible if you have one, but Bibles will be provided for those who don’t.
Pub Theology
Pub Theology is an informal gathering of people who discuss different topics about religion or tough issues of faith or just talk about how God is acting in their lives. The group is open to all ages, but you must be 21 or older to drink. We meet the first Monday of every month (October-May) at Parkway Pizza Ave at 7:00. To sign up for the Pub Theology mailing list, go to this link.
Monthly Potlucks
All are welcome to share a meal at our monthly potlucks! Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, we will have a brief devotion, prayer, and then we enjoy each other’s company and cooking. All are welcome to join in, whether you’re working from home, on your lunch break, or retired. Can’t stay for all of it? That’s fine, too!
Being lifelong learners is an integral part of our community. We host various presentations throughout the year on topics from care for creation to social justice to sustainability.
Youth Faith Formation
Sunday School
We begin each worship service with our children and, after the Children’s Sermon, offer age-appropriate and interactive youth faith formation classes based on the lesson of the day. All children aged Pre-k through Middle School are welcome to participate. These classes are offered from the 4th Sunday of September to the 2nd Sunday of May.
Confirmation classes for 2022-23 are being held in being held in joint partnership with Pastor Shawna of Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church and Pastor Bryan of St. Peder’s. Please contact Pastor Bryan for more information.
Youth Leadership
Students play an important role in worship as worship assistants, special music, and special services, such as the Christmas Program. We invite all children into our worship life and value the energy (and noise) in worship.
Intergenerational Events
Throughout the year we also have events where the entire church community gathers together to celebrate. From our Advent Festival to occasional church movie nights we encourage community building across all generations.